Help your students prepare solid, convincing presentations!
Our digital pitch training tool gives your students an effective way to prepare and practice their presentations. Whether your students are following a course on innovation, entrepreneurship, or simply need an effective way to prepare for a presenting in class or for an exam, Pitcherific is the tool for them.
- Have well-prepared students for their presentation
- Experience less nervous student when they have trained
- Gain better exam results
- Hear more memorable presentations

As a teacher you can offer and manage access to Pitcherific
Your students get full access to:
User-friendly best-practice presentation templates that help them prepare for any presentation
Options to create custom presentation template that fits unique presentations
Pitcherifics time checker, to ensure that the presentation stays on time
Updated help texts and examples that guide the students to craft the right message
Training Mode™: Presentation training that simulate the presentation situation and makes practicing the delivery easy and effective
Easy integrated way to record and share video recordings of presentations to get feedback and improve
* By the way you’ll also get access to the pitch tools as a teacher.

As a teacher you will get access to these features
Manage access
It's done by sharing a link or sending an email.
Show your students the way
It's easily done using our template builder.
Prepare your students well
It's done by adding questions to your templates.
Help you students with oral communication, like Line:
Line Lemann Christensen, Lektor, cand.oecon, Midtbyens Gymnasium/Mercantec, Viborg

3 steps to get started
Contact Us
Contact us to set up the Pitcherific tool to fit your school or class specific needs.
Hand Out Tickets
Hand out access to your students via link or e-mail and advise the students on which template and time frame to use.
Guide Your Students
Lean back and enjoy that the tool guides your students to a well-structured, well-time presentation.